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Spider-Man Miles Morales

written by Erick Aguilar 

The new generation of consoles is here, but we still do not have a huge catalog of games. There are a few titles we can play at the moment and without question Spider-Man Miles Morales is on fire right now. 


This new game developed by Insomniac Games is about Miles Morales, our recent protagonist in the last movie of Spider-Man into the spider-verse. This game is the sequel of SpiderMan for PlayStation 4 and being honest I have not played it yet but I do my homework and well sadly is not the game the people were waiting for. This doesn´t mean it's a bad game is just the same as it's an ancestor. 
Talking about the history duration we will play for 8 hours if you do not like mini-missions if you like them it will take you between 16-20 hours to complete it. 


With the graphics, I don´t have anything to say just look at the magic ray tracing do with this kind of videogames.

In my resume, we can say that is an amazing game but we missed a lot of things in this game so you might want to think if you really want to spend 1700 pesos on it. 

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