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The New Minecraft?

written by Erick Aguilar 

When Minecraft was released, everyone was playing it; some people even started to record videos for Youtube. Minecraft was on fire.

Now in 2020, we have Among Us. This game has become the new Minecraft since, one again, a lot of people are talking about it, playing it. Also if you enter to Youtube, everything is about Among Us, but Why? 

Among Us is a simple video game where you have to find the impostor between the other 9 players. So, How can it be so trendy?



Well, in my opinion, yes,  it's a really fun game, but it has a strong point, it's free. If we analyze what happened to Fall Guys, we can say that has two problems, first and foremost, you need a computer but not any computer, you need specific requirements to play, the second point, you have to pay. 


Now, we can not forget the fact that Youtubers are influencers, and all of them, not conscious but, they are doing publicity for the game. Among Us came out in 2018 so yes, YouTubers are a really important part of the hit that the game has. 

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